
Research: 60883D Robot | Build Day: Constructing Holder-1.1.0 sort


Now that our robot was able to hold two Mobile Goals at once, we wanted to expand that to 3. The easiest way to do that would be to modify and add to the back holder of our robot


We saw that a lot of teams where able to grab 3 Mobile Goals in some way. One team that had lots of documentation about there robot was 60883D. They also had a design that was very easy to modifY to fit our robot and play style. We decided on a similar design that would mean we would not have to change anything about our holder and just add onto it.


We then mounted the design to our holder. We only had had a few problems while trying to mount it and soon had our agreed upon design on the back of our robot. It works by the lexan tilting the third Mobile Goal up as we drive into it, then we push the holder down to tilt the third Mobile Goal off the ground.


We found that even though we changed a lot of design elements from 60883D, our newly designed holder worked very effectively, allowing us to grab 3 Mobile Goals at once.